vendredi 17 août 2012

Medical News Today brings you hourly health news from well-regarded sources such as JAMA, BMJ, Lancet, BMA, plus articles written by our own team. Our archive contains over 240,000 news articles.
Today's Health News Headlines
Friday 17 August 2012 15:00 PDT
Fertility photo
Male Contraception Research Goes In New Direction
Written by Catharine Paddock PhD
A successful test in mice of a molecule that can pass the blood-sperm barrier and render a reversible contraceptive effect in males has taken the quest for a non-hormonal male contraceptive pill in a new direction... [read article]

Liver Disease / Hepatitis photo
Baby Boomers Should Take Hep C Test Urge CDC
Written by Catharine Paddock PhD
In order to avert a major rise in liver disease and deaths among Americans, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are urging all baby boomers, that is members of the population born between 1945 and 1965... [read article]

Heart Disease photo
Blood Type May Affect Heart Disease Risk
Written by Catharine Paddock PhD
A person's blood type may affect their risk for heart disease, according to a new study that finds people with blood type A, B or AB were more likely to develop the disease than those with type O... [read article]

Other Medical and Health News for 17 August*

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